Thursday, October 6, 2011

The "To Do" List

This was my list  for Monday:
-math with M, T- watch video and do A
-IEW with Z, J
-AAS with M, T
-History Z, J, M, T
-Science with J, M, T
-Handwriting Z, J, M, T
-Memory work Z, J, M, T
-Piano practice Z, J, M, T
-call -- about couch
-scan contract, then take to --
-scan time sheet, email to --
-pay bills
     -water for two houses
-call -- about readoption
-menu plan for two weeks
-return dresses to X and pick out other cloths
-call title company
-call -- about setting up seminar
-call restaurants about food donations for seminar
-call and ask about pool usage at X for therapy purposes
-cancel babysitter
-rehearsal at 7:15
-go grocery shopping

Tuesday's list never actually materialized, I didn't have time to write it down.  Ditto for Wednesday and a last minute three hour spur of the moment get the last of our stuff at our old house.  Yeah, dinner was at 10pm...

Thursday's short list
-whatever school doesn't require mom

-T allergy testing @ 8:30
-12pm counseling
-12pm piano
-pick up E @ school
-pick up repaired van
-rehearsal from 6-8:30pm
-various emails and calls regarding seminar and ministry
-get table from old house

Friday's is looking like
-go to dairy for milk, be back by 7:15am
-meet non-profit to pick up furniture
-9:45 M to doctor
-11am close on old house
-get milk now if it didn't happen earlier
-catch my breath and get ready for all day rehearsal on Saturday and small group.
Why I do what I do. :)

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