Thursday, March 10, 2011

To Fill You In

We still do not have TA.  We found out today that there is some "issue" with our dossier that China is working on...  still waiting for that signature...  Travel is not going to be permitted after April 7th until some time in May due to Chinese holidays and a trade show in Guangzhou.  We so need TA right NOW!

Mr. Incredible left today, driving, for OH.  To move his mom to NC...  Praying that she will want to move, she will move and that she will improve with a change in environment...

So the kids and I are four days without daddy...  I am looking forward to more reading, still don't know what to make for dinner tonight though.  Maybe I should work on that?! :)

Our lives are so incredibly full right now.  It kind of is life imitating our garage.  Oh to have a clean garage, oh to have an uncluttered life, but God brings us through the mucky muck to the other side and we look a little more like gold. :-)

1 comment:

Piano mom said...

HOpe the move goes well. Remember some of the conversations we have had in the past. Will be praying.