Thursday, February 23, 2012

Quick Update

The SPICA is OFF!!!

She is very weak and has to relearn how to walk.  She gets tired sitting for a period of an hour and has to lay down.  We have a very long way to go.  She will likely limp for 6-12 months (once we are walking) according to the doc.  The callous that formed around the fracture can be felt under her skin- it's HUGE.  I'm slightly concerned with that...  She does show a genetic collagen mutation now.  We have NOT been able to start the medication yet.  We go back on the 27th for more and hopefully can get clearance to start medication.

Meanwhile, we may have to cancel piano and counseling today since another child is not breathing well and we are headed to the doc for him in a few minutes.  He's going down fast.

Other stuff happening today too...

God is at work.  I know this.  But today is the kind of hang on tight, brace yourself, don't let go and keep your mouth closed so you don't get a bug down your throat or stuck in your teeth faced paced, we are at the races kind of day.

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