Monday, June 20, 2011

Crazy Life

I have composed so many blog posts in my head and unfortunately that is where they have stayed.  Here are some snippets of our life.
-Wonderful friends brought dinner last Tuesday and Wednesday and TONIGHT! 
-We have battled an ant infestation in the house three times now. 
-Lilly is now walking, with a full leg cast!!! 
-We are trying a free trial of Netflix, since it is SOOO hot out. 
-We are getting an evening routine down. 
-Lilly is still waking up several times at night and the last couple we've just brought her to our bed because we are both exhausted.  After getting a cast in the ribs last night we might need to rethink that plan. 
-I am trying to wrap my mind around homeschooling SIX in the fall- it's still not going there. 
-In my head (once again) I keep trying to come up with some sort of housework schedule that keeps the house clean and me sane.  Hopefully that one will make it to paper or sticky notes SOON! 
-The first official bath after casts ended up with us having lots of water IN the cast, especially the leg.  I don't how it happened other than there may have been a hole in the plastic bag that we used to cover the cast?!?  It's finally dry and the hard part didn't soften. 
-We go back to the Ortho doc in a week. 
-There was a cancellation at the geneticist and looks like we can get in July 6th! (instead of 9/22)
-Our application is in to Shriners.
-New patient info in at a backup geneticist.
-Waiting on new patient packet from July geneticist.
-Countless phone calls for swimming pool, doctor appointments, realtor concerning old house and  the 20 acres...
-At some point in the next week I need to take our dying computer to the doctor while it's still under warranty. 
***Life is NOT slow, but GOD is GOOD!!!!***

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