Friday, November 19, 2010

Playing Catch Up

This week has whizzed by and I've been dragging behind all week.  It's so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week!  We will once again be spending the holiday in town, by ourselves.  We could travel to Rick's mom's, but don't have the time, energy, etc. for the 17 hour drive each way.  My parents are unavailable due to my dad's work schedule and the remodeling of their home.  I could be grouchy that we are stuck here without family, but instead I am using the chance to count our blessings.
- We have the privilege of having 5 soon to be 6 children
- We have a warm home and good food
- Rick is getting to have a long weekend at home
- Black Friday shopping is just a week away!

We've submitted a contract for a single story home and acreage, we are praying that if God would have this for our family that it will be accepted.  Still searching for a vehicle, but we have some time.  The week after Thanksgiving we will be listing our land to sell. 

Our home study was finally finished this week and I sent the application for immigration approval off yesterday- had to have the home study to submit the application.  Spending the money to overnight the application has hopefully saved us at least $30 since filing fees increase Monday.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Love the photo! It looks like West Texas/New Mexico/Colorado....

Congrats on mailing off the USCIS stuff! Yay!