Monday, February 7, 2011

The Things God Brings Your Way

Some days are easier than others.  Some days you wish you could relive over and over.  Some days you wish had never happened.  
Though our opinion of each day can vary, God created each one.  The good, the bad and the ugly each come our way for a reason, a purpose, a plan.  
Elizabeth has been puny for the last week, tomorrow we go to the ENT to see if it is a problem with the tubes in her ears...
At 11pm Sunday night we had a "photo shoot" to try and get a picture of us wearing the clothes we would meet Lilly in.  Our "shoot" was during one of the very brief interludes of not holding Elizabeth for the past 72 hours. 
 oops, again
 Really, we haven't been drinking officer.
YO! We live in da hood.

 Yes, I'M AWAKE!

The keeper!
The purpose?  We are sending the photo and a letter in a care package to Lilly.  Praying and hoping that seeing this photo and then seeing us (in same clothes) will help ease the transition.


The Clevelands said...

The progression of the photos and your captions - too funnY!

The Cornett Family said...

I agree, that was a great post. Too funny!