We are only two chapters in, but one word in the last page of our reading tonight hit me. So I looked up that country and adoptions. Me being me. I can't help it. Please understand that I am NOT saying that God is leading us in this direction. Just doing some reconnaissance, if you will. That country has come up several times over the last few years. So I figured I would look... (again)... since I had heard of the requirements/programs changing. :) There appears to be a handful or so of adoption agencies working with that country, but as I scrolled down the 'results', I was sickened to also see a site promoting quality ab*rtion care in a nearby town. (on the first page!)
It reminded me of this.
Yes! The best choice is life! My mom chose life! Life is goooood! As a mom I agree. As an adoptive mom, I can totally agree. Adoption is a blessing!
...But how are we the church supporting those women who do choose life, but are not able/do not want to keep the baby? I know that this will step on some toes and in advance, I am sorry. But, people (the church) also need to recognize that an expectant mom that might have considered an ab*rtion and instead choose life and adoption, may not have the education, race or health history that you necessarily want in a birthmother. Those precious babies also need to be placed in a loving, adoptive, Christian home that will love them no matter their IQ, skin color, deformity or ability. This is a domestic and international need. It's not always easy. Personal experience talking here.
However, if you have had the privilege of conceiving and giving birth did you know what you were going to get before you got it? (Not talking boy or girl here.) You took a risk. Has it paid out? Are you willing to take another risk?
Or. Birthmom (or dad) may have even tried to keep the baby and so now they are maybe a few days, months or years down the road. A child protection entity may or may not be involved. Baby (or teenager) and birthparents are not going to be reunited. What are we going to do about that?
These are real issues, domestic and international issues, that are affecting real people and have real consequences. As a pro-life thinker, I have to consider the ramifications of what I am thinking about. If I don't want women to choose an abortion, then how am I going to be part of the solution? Or is the adoption of three special needs kids all that God expects from me? (and taking care of our three birthsons too) Is there something else? What else?
There will always be more children who need a home and as Mr. Incredible has pointed out to me, "We can't adopt 143 million children." (and I am quoting him) But what does HE want from us? The issue of choosing life is not one exclusive to our continent. There is a stirring. More people from more countries are adopting. Domestic adoptions in foreign countries are increasing. I have seen it with my own eyes the number of families in recent years who have turned their hearts toward adoption, BUT the need is so great! Overwhelmingly great! There is a stirring. What does HE want from each of us? There is a stirring. What does HE want from me?
Lord, soften my heart so that I can hear your call. Thank you for helping me trust you so I can follow you obediently. May I decrease so that you may increase.
"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts." Proverbs 21:2 KJV
(-: ""Those precious babies also need to be placed in a loving, adoptive, Christian home that will love them no matter their IQ, skin color, deformity or ability. This is a domestic and international need."" Soooo true!
i got chills reading this. your heart is so open to his leading and your selflessness is nothing short of inspirational! we feel the stirring as well. chidden are a blessing.....and each and every one of the deserves to know that.
chiLdRen are a blessing! ;)
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