Too much to even tell. Hitting, screaming, threats (and that wasn't even me!). Whining, bed wetting, technical difficulties and a doctor's appointment to boot! So glad that everyone is in bed finally. Will talk to the counselor and maybe come up with new strategies. (new music selections reflect me trying to renew my sense of purpose, key word trying)
On a more positive note, ran across Elizabeth's referral photos. My she's becoming such a beautiful little girl. We are so blessed.

Notes on the music: More Like Falling in Love- "Give me rules, I'll break them. Give me lines, I'll cross them." That describes one of our children so perfectly.
Mighty to Save- "Everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing, let mercy fall on me." I need that mercy. "Savior he can move a mountain, my God is mighty to save." We have mountains, invisible but HUGE.
Healing Begins- "There's freedom waiting in the sound when you let your walls fall down... This is where the healing begins". My prayer is that walls fall down, healing begins and we can move past these behaviors.
God Bless the Broken Road- I know that this is more for couples, but after the battles we have fought for Mr. M and how hard the road has been it is still so applicable. "It's all part of this grander plan that is coming true" God has a wonderful purpose for M's life and we have to fight for him to be set free so that he can move past all the junk.
Love is not a Fight- "Love is not a place to come and go as we please". Adopted children already have suffered rejection once from their biological parents. No matter how hard it gets, I need to be committed.
I could keep going, needless to say each song speaks to some area of our life, specifically parenting and overcoming the challenges.
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