Out of pocket I spent $20.88 in cash, 0.22 from a gift card, 13 RR (I believe), 18.46 ECB and GOT 21 RR and 31.99 ECB to spend another day! My total savings was $211.96. Broken down it's a savings of $115.07 at walgreens with a total of seven transactions at two stores to find all the products that I wanted and a savings of $96.89 at CVS in two transactions. I got coupon match-ups at southernsavers.com. Ahhhhh, an evening away once we ate and said prayers and I think it was productive too!!! I basically got my coffee and paper towels for free as well as other stuff that I can use or bless others with!!! Gotta love that!
And Mr. Incredible vacuumed while I was gone!!!!! Oh my goodness, I might faint from excitement!
A Breakdown of what I got:
4 soft scrub cleaners
4 Folgers coffee
3 infusium hair treatment
1 infusium shampoo and 1 conditioner
4 Schick Hydro 5 razors
3 EOC shave cream
2 Bourdeaux Butt Paste
several bags of $0.39 candy
2 Kotex U products
1 six pack of paper towels
4 Crest pro health toothpaste
4 Carefree panty liners
4 Covergirl Outlast
And I can turn in my receipts for $100 worth of coupons from Proctor and Gamble! Bonus!!!
That's hilarious Jennifer. I can feel your presence, smile and excitement oozing off the comkputer and just have to feel happy and excited for you!! Love love love your precious pictures and children. Miss you all!
Kathy Cortinas
What a GREAT job, Jennifer! You are a coupon queen! Hey --I LOVE these pics!
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