Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She Points!!!!

There was some definite reaching in the pictures in my last post. But right before we left to take Mr. Z to his Tom Sawyer practice. SHE POINTED!!!! It was our change jar she pointed at, could that mean anything?! Now if only we can have a point and a vocalization! She has been quite a laid back little girl so far so this is HUGE!
And as for those inadequacies mentioned in Crazy?!, yep, the kids are having PB&J (AB& J for Mr. T) for dinner on Tapioca bread. Time got away from me. Oh, well. Mr. Incredible isn't even out of town....
Here's to tomorrow and getting the summer clothes out, school done, laundry done, and maybe even dinner made :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you're reaching some good milestones!

Margo, Mike, and Rebecca Xiu

Jennifer said...

Yes we are! So exciting! How are you guys doing? Rebecca doing well in school? It's hard to believe that we've had them for almost seven months! Time flies.