I was hungry... you fed me... I was thirsty... you gave me drink... I was a stranger... you invited me into your home... Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Full of Suprises!
With God NOTHING (look carefully-NO THING) is impossible!
The Check Is In The Mail
We only found out yesterday that we were getting expedited. Then we received an email today from immigration and our agency that our I-797 approval is going in today's mail! Talk about EXPEDITE!!!
So amazed at what God is doing.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We still have not heard anything on the new house other than we might know something in a couple of weeks.
Lots going on!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Ephrem from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
“What first drew me to this little boy was his sweet round face. Obviously, he has suffered a great deal from malnutrition. When we visited the school he and the rest of the children were so focused on their meal. It’s amazing to see how Lifesong was changing their lives. After lunch, I found myself surrounded by children playing a name game. He reached out and kissed my hand. My heart melted... I think of him daily.”
Sometimes it can be hard to imagine the hardships that go on around the world. We sit in our comfortable homes, with pantries full of necessities, and it seems strange that most of the world doesn’t have a pantry, let alone food to fill it. But for millions of children in Africa this is their reality. Hunger is a part of their daily lives. Then add the fact that many of these children are also orphaned, either by death or abandonment… it’s almost more than we can bear. It’s hard to go there mentally and we protect our hearts by pretending it doesn’t exist. But it does. Children are suffering.
Little Ephrem is one of those children. Born in Ethiopia, his father is now dead and his mother disappeared years ago. He was taken into his grandmother’s care, but she has struggled to provide for him. At 4 years old, Ephrem is extremely small for his age, and most likely suffers from a type of growth disorder, though the lack of specialized medical care keeps us from knowing for sure. And since he has been malnourished most of his life, it is no wonder his health is affected.
Praise the Lord, Ephrem is now enrolled in Lifesong’s Adami Tulu Nursery School, where he is getting two meals a day and seems to be flourishing under the care of his teachers. His sweet demeanor and precious smile easily capture your heart.
Bring joy and purpose this Christmas season to children like Ephrem around the world!
*Want to use your blog to advocate for the fatherless? Click here to learn more.
Monday, December 20, 2010
God's Faithfulness
Meanwhile I've been able to get Christmas cards off and am excitedly looking forward to friends coming over tomorrow to share dinner with us! Life never seems to slow down. Lately I feel like I'm failing in so many areas- housework, meal prep, schooling. You name it I'm probably failing at it.
God's faithfulness is never failing, however. Sometimes it may feel like He is not listening, but He does hear our calls. It may be housework, a broken relationship, waiting with regards to an adoption/children, finances, etc, but He will act in a way that is for our betterment even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness. Amen.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Another Day, Another Dollar?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Fingerprinting and an Anniversary
An Anniversary Diddy
We pledged each our heart
And from this we don't depart
I'm so glad to be chosen by you
Never been smoothing sailing
But God's love is unfailing
And He gets us through
So for what lies ahead
It's nice to have your shoulder to rest my head
I choose you too!
14 years and counting!
[I thought this got posted yesterday, then realized that it posted to our old blog! Yes, I'm technologically challenged!]
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Foray Into Public Education
They kept spouting socialization importance to me. I really wanted to say, I don't want MY daughter acting like YOUR daughter! We'll try and see, in January!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Fingerprinting Appointments In Today's Mail!!!!
Double bonus, Elizabeth's US passport was also in the mail today! God is a God of Wonders! Looking forward to seeing Him continue to work!
Our appointments are for 12/22 we will be attempting to get in on 12/15, our 14 year anniversary! We have been able to get in prior to our appointments at least one time before and this could really speed Lillyanna's immigration approval along. Please join us in prayer that they will allow us to be fingerprinted early.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Psalm 37:6-8 (NIV)
6 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
your vindication like the noonday sun.
7 Be still before the LORD
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.
We wait for letters of medical expedite. We wait for US immigration. We wait for God to provide the home to bring Lillyanna (like it?!) home to. Sometimes waiting is so hard to do. What a reminder in Psalms though that if we fret, in other words- worry!, it leads to evil! What a wake up! More trusting, more waiting. God is in control, even when our world seems to be spinning out of control. He has a plan. He has a purpose. We just have to wait.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Happy Birthday, Lilly!
Monday, December 6, 2010
A Way to Help, Worldwide
Decorating the house? Making Christmas cookies? Celebrating with family and loved ones? Exchanging gifts?
What if this year you gave gifts that not only celebrated your loved ones but brought the love of Christ to a child in need? An orphan in Africa, India, Ukraine, or Honduras?
This year Lifesong for Orphans has gifts that will do just that. Give the new Lifesong cookbook...
Check it out here.
May God bless your holiday season!
10-11 Gifts of Purpose from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I Love Spring!
So why am I saying I love Spring in the middle of Winter?! Because there are some beautiful flowering bushes that we have in our yard that remind me of Spring! When we first bought our home eight years ago I thought it strange that these bushes bloom at the end of November/December time frame. I honestly thought that the weather messed up their flowering cycle. However, after eight years of the same thing happening and doing some research- their camelias. I now know to expect their blooming. Even though it happens in the winter it makes me think of Spring and how the refreshing of life to the earth is just around the corner.
Winter is generally a hard time for me because of the reduction of sunlight, but these wonderful pink flowers all across our back yard are such refreshment. It is also bittersweet, as this will most likely be the last winter that we will be here to enjoy them. I am excited about God adding to our family, I am thrilled to possibly be moving (still no word on the new house), but after investing eight years of our lives here and bringing three of our five home here, it will be a loss. Life has many different seasons just as a year has seasons. I wait, somewhat patiently, to see what God would have for us in this coming season of our lives. A friend made a statement this morning about us purchasing the new van because "aren't you adopting more?" (speaking of more beyond the next one) WHAT?!? We only know about the one more! Life is so busy and I've already had to back out of at least one commitment. Mr. Incredible and mine's conversations mostly involve what the next day holds and what has happened during the current day. Dates happen once a month, if then, and usually involve Walmart. Lol! My mind swims at the thought of "more"! I lose track of appointments if they are not our usual ones. (even when on the calander! :-/) Fortunately I haven't lost track of a child (yet). Already the laundry pile becomes a mountain if I get behind. I have no idea how we are going to pack, adopt, school, and get to our many appointments if we do get the new house. More? Really?! (shaking head) But God has a plan, I need to trust....
As if life already isn't -(fill in the blank)- enough, when you have a child that constantly tests you and shirks their school work sometimes you have to get creative. Today in point, I came up with, "A math lesson a day keeps mom happy and gay." Hopefully that got the point across, if not I'll have to resort to more rhymery!
Thank you Lord for reminding me of your refreshing. May I be able to have a spring in my step and a song in my heart as I serve the mission field you have given me.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
God equips who He calls, He doesn't call the equipped. So if he's called us to care for orphans and He's equipping us with a 14 passenger van... (I'm not ready to go there!)
Friday, November 26, 2010
I Am Not The Woman I Used To Be
So why the post title? It's because even just a couple of years ago, I would have screamed at M for wasting the Tide and making a mess (then apologize after I blew up). Now I wasn't all jolly, I was firm, and he had to stay and watch me clean it up- the first hour. (He didn't clean it up due to the nature of the mess) While cleaning, I talked to him about how the choices he makes affects others, how I loved him and even though I was angry I still loved him and wanted him to be safe, etc.
A couple other situations also happened recently. Mr. Incredible and myself were asked if what we had was contagious (adopting kids/having "lots" of kids). The old me would have become defensive and tried to prove a point or something, but his wife was uncomfortable that he has said something like that so I just left it as, "We like kids!". Then today, I didn't even flinch an inch when Mr. Incredible bought a TV today at a Black Friday sale. He's been waiting YEARS for one (and it will be nice to actually be able to see movies now). I know 32" is by no means a BIG screen tv, but in our house you would think it's as big as a movie theaters! (and the price was nice :))
In more serious matters though, I am still floored by how God is granting me peace (usually) in the midst of turbulent waters. We are adopting. We are trying to buy a new house. We possibly found a vehicle. My old ways were to be anxious, calculate, analyze, etc. I strangely find myself NOT doing those things. Yes, I know the cost of the adoption. Yes, I know the cost of the house (and I'm a little nervous with financing options). Yes, I know the cost of the vehicle. BUT, I also know a BIG GOD who can do BIG THINGS and I am trusting that HE will work this out. That is freedom.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hearing Aids and Other Tidbits
We still haven't heard anything on the house that we put a contract in for. More waiting, praying, hoping and praying.
In other news, our schedule is once again changing as a new occupational therapist will be starting the week after Thanksgiving and cannot work with us at the time slots we currently have. Our schedule will be changing even more when Elizabeth begins her Pre-K classes in the deaf ed classroom. Change can be good and it can be maddening!
Upwards was something that we had signed up for (like we needed something else to do!), but I had to call today and withdraw (after much prayer and agony). We may be out the $$$ or if they can fill our spots we can get a refund. At this point I really don't care. God is our provider. K was going to have weekly practice instead of just Saturday "games". Jacob wasn't too thrilled about it to begin with and I am tired of sacrificing our Saturdays on the alter of basketball. I was so impressed this morning during my quite time (aka taking a shower) that we needed to withdraw, I had to call Rick. I don't know what God has in store for us, but if withdrawing from Upwards shows obedience, I'm all in for a simpler life and less hectic schedule. So, no Upwards! Instead we are going to have family basketball in the driveway, maybe move to the new house?, and have time to work on things around the house (maybe pack?). Rick and I have had the same feeling that we will be adopting and moving at pretty much the same time. Not quite sure how that is going to work. But God does! Maybe Upwards would have been a good thing, but not the best thing because God knows what's coming!?
I also know that this adoption is going to pull more out of us than any yet. It already is. Needing a new home, needing a new vehicle, mentally trying to prepare ourselves for a four year old that doesn't know English and could break if touched/picked up in the "wrong" way has been a lot to think and pray about. I find myself lifting Elizabeth and wondering if I picked up little miss the same way would she break?! Or somebody bumping into something and wondering if we would be rushing to the ER with a broken bone, if it had been little miss. It has all been a matter of lots of prayer and trust and FAITH!
There isn't any news on our paperwork. It made it to the USCIS office and we are awaiting appointments for fingerprinting. Praying that comes by December 2 or so, however once again God is in control and knows and cares.
7 Habits of a Highly Effective Family, #3 and #4
We have an illustration of this on our kitchen counter now. It's a glass jar/vase with big rocks and little rocks. The point being that if you don't put the big rocks on the schedule- family meals, family nights, date night, etc.- life (the little rocks) are going to fill up your life and you won't have room for the big rocks. For different families there will be different rocks. So don't compare yourself to the Jones', do what is right for your family and your time of life.
Habit #4-Think Win-Win
We each have an emotional bank account and our interactions with others either make deposits or withdrawals. Our words can uplift or tear down, plain and simple. It can even be the tone of voice that we choose to use that can make the difference between whether we are making a deposit or a withdrawal.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Little Girl Naming
I started perusing our book when we found out about little miss. I also started looking at online sites. It's kind of hard going to "baby" naming sites in order to look up meanings and expand the search of names, since she is not a baby and I had to sacrifice my desire of adopting a baby in order to adopt little miss. I know God is working in all of this, but it's still a little hard. There's also the trouble of our other children have a biblical name or a name derived from a biblical name. Not wanting to break the trend we would like to name her a biblical name, but there aren't that many biblical names that I like that make sense for a little girl from China too boot.
So the debate continues on what first name do we choose, or should I say God has chosen and yet to reveal to us! We know her first middle name is going to be Faith, since it is taking such a leap of faith on our part to do this. Her second middle name will be her Chinese name and of course she will have our last name. The names that are currently in the mix are Lily, Anna, Chloe and Emily (not biblical). I really would like a name ending in -ly since her Chinese name ends in the "ly"sound. Mr. Incredible really likes Anna. I did come up with Lilyana to try to make us both happy, but we still haven't reached any decisions.
I know we have some time. God only knows how fast the rest of this will go, but we are thinking we will travel in March given China's expediting our process. This step of waiting for I-800A approval is supposed to take somewhere between 30-45 days. We'll see how God works on US Immigration in order to bring little miss home quickly.
In the meantime, we wait and pray and look for vehicles!
Playing Catch Up
- We have the privilege of having 5 soon to be 6 children
- We have a warm home and good food
- Rick is getting to have a long weekend at home
- Black Friday shopping is just a week away!
We've submitted a contract for a single story home and acreage, we are praying that if God would have this for our family that it will be accepted. Still searching for a vehicle, but we have some time. The week after Thanksgiving we will be listing our land to sell.
Our home study was finally finished this week and I sent the application for immigration approval off yesterday- had to have the home study to submit the application. Spending the money to overnight the application has hopefully saved us at least $30 since filing fees increase Monday.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Our Homestudy Has Finally Been Approved!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Evidence is Overwhelming!!!!!
As a quick follow up, the house we thought of pursuing already has four contracts on it. Pray that if this is the house for us God would make it abundantly clear and make necessary PROVISIONS.
Things May Be Quiet Here, But Not At Home!
Our homestudy will hopefully be done in a couple of days and we can submit for immigration approval to bring little miss home. I just wish we could get further in the process so that I could post pictures!!
We finally had almost a normal school day yesterday (our normal that is), it was such a blessing after three weeks of pell mell, helter skelterness.
Last but not least. We approaching the season of giving and it would be helpful to bring in some money to help with adoption expenses so I had this idea. I coupon shop, I get things free or almost free when I do this. What do you think of "buying" items, but however instead of me shipping the items to you I can donate them to our local homeless shelter, the women's shelter and the free clinic and the money raised would go straight to our adoption?! Would anyone be even interested in this idea? I don't want to waste my time, I have so little, so if you could PLEASE share your comments this would be greatly appreciated. I would probably use paypal to process the money. Any input in the way of doing some sort of fundraiser would be appreciated. We have considered a garage sale, but our house was taken over with things for the one for Elizabeth's adoption and I don't want that to happen again.
I promise this really is the last thing. Elizabeth has a NEW SKILL! She can climb into a chair now! It's those little things that I had taken for granted before.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We Survived and Thrived!
Thank you everyone for your prayers. They were felt. Though stressed yesterday, I never got a migraine!!! My throat still flares and my stomach is still knotting, but hopefully as the stress reduces so will these.
Our meeting with the social worker on Friday went well even though the sewage had backed up into our house Friday morning! Oh, yes it did. Our bothersome tree root struck again! LOL!!!
Hopefully life will get back to normal, though I am coming to realize that our normal means nothing is ever normal!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dodging Bullets
Please pray for us. I have canceled our appointments for the day to try and concentrate on getting me and the kids better, the rest of the stuff from our trip unpacked and getting the house presentable for the social worker's final home visit on Friday for our current adoption. Breathe. Just breathe. And clean. And unpack. And file. And work. Be in prayer the bullets are flying!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Stuck or Trust?
God has expectations of us. "Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself". Fairly lofty expectations. Am I truly loving the Lord in all those ways? Is my neighbor getting any of my attention? Am I getting any of my attention?
I did not want to vacation in Colorado at this time of year. Snow was my major concern and being stuck indoors. It was also not a very convenient time, but I resisted and Mr. Incredible persisted. So to CO we go.
I expected to be able to go sledding on the mountain next to the condo when I saw snow on the ground. Denied. I expected to be able to sled down an 8 foot pile of snow in a grassy area. Denied. To say that my expectations were dashed would be an understatement. I didn't want to be here in the first place and now we were being legislated what we could do!? As far as I was concerned our vacation was smashed, stepped on, run over and then thrown into an odiferous landfill. I was mad, mad at Mr. Incredible for making us come, mad at myself for everything, mad at the kids for just being kids. My expectations weren't met and I had a choice to make. Were we seriously going to pack up and go home with 5 days left? Was I going to let my attitude control me or was I going to control my attitude. Yes, when your expectations aren't met it isn't easy.
Our vacation started off with not being able to find either of our two atlases. While loading the van, one child unscrewed the antennae and another child tried to "fix" it unbeknownst to us. We were puzzled by the noise of a vibration as we merged onto the interstate. A little way down the road Mr. Incredible saw 1" of the antennae hanging onto the area between the hood and windshield as I was whizzing at 70+ miles/hour and proceeded to hang out of the van to retrieve it. So we get to the exit after our entrance and pull off to reattach the antennae and try to get my phone to pull up a map of our route. Less than 120 miles down the road we hit torrential rains and are almost involved in an accident when trying to leave the C-F-A that we lunched at. Sunday- no sledding. Monday- no sledding. Tuesday- sledding in town with incidents. Wednesday- finish Hague training and go shopping for forgotten grocery items from Sunday. Thursday- great sledding in town. Friday- not so great really mushy snow sledding in town. Saturday- leave and bump a parking garage support; a Denver GF bakery and cafe is no longer a cafe we find out as we stop for lunch; T too small to slide down at FOTF. Sunday- take a detour to a volcano and enjoy a chilly hike down into the crater and around the rim, at least some of us.
I try to laugh at our vacation, and we did have funny parts. Like getting a floss pick stuck between my teeth while flying down the road. Or the tank of gas that lasted 456.4 miles = 7 hours. (I had determined to drive at least a tank on the way back, it took us three tanks to get there and only two back!?) Apparently I choose the wrong tank! LOL!! Why do things always happen when I'M driving?
So will I let ruined expectations and a vacation that all were glad to see over be the defining moment of my life? Or can a let my focus return to what God expects of me? Be stuck or trust?! I cannot let a few mishaps tarnish the incredible provision and safety that we DID experience. (loving God) I can continue to pray for the administrators of WP. (loving neighbors) I can also treasure the time with family and the break from my usual schedule. (loving myself)
Mr. Incredible now understands my hesitation in going in the first place and our marriage has had the chance for a lot more laughs. It really is hard to not laugh when you tauk wif a withp bacauth of de fwoss thtuck in your mowf (talk with a lisp because of the floss stuck in your mouth).
Note for posterity. Colorado is best enjoyed in September when lots of hiking can be done and little people have an outlet for their energy. :-)
Free Giveaway- Support Orphans!!!
This week, you have TWO chances to be entered in a giveaway for a FREE Lifesong for Orphans t-shirt! Lifesong will be debuting 2 new colors (chocolate brown for men and red for women) and are offering to give away 2 shirts before they are available for sale!
Here’s how to enter:
#1: Go to the Lifesong blog posting from Monday and guess how many children are no longer orphans that Lifesong helped to bring home through financial assistance.
#2: Leave a comment on Friday’s posting about how we can creatively work together as the body of Christ to care for orphans around the world! Here's what you do... share with us your ideas. Leave a comment... maybe about a ministry your church is involved in... or a family you helped support financially to adopt.
Maybe you have this aMAZing idea that has been just waiting to get out and be put in action. Here's your chance! Let's inspire each other to rise up on behalf of orphans!
“With this in mind, take some time to walk through your house and ask God what he would have you do with your part of the 200 million orphans worldwide, most of whom may never hear the gospel, much less have it lived out in a loving family of their own.” – Greg Lucas
Friday, October 29, 2010
We have Pre Approval!
God kept me up last night and I hope to share with you this afternoon. Gonna do some more family fun first though!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sites and Sounds
Today with our sled run in town, there for an hour, we suffered a bump on the head, a bloody nose, an almost continuous temper tantrum and this was supposed to be "safer"? Oh and bad road conditions getting into and out of town. I don't know about the general population, but my vehicle sliding on ice is not my idea of fun.
I don't want to be stuck at a closed resort and yet I don't really feel like being animal food by going out and hiking around the national parks with a foot of snow on the ground... I really hope that this vacation gets better...
The kids have been able to continue learning Chinese though and Mr. Incredible and I have been able to complete our 10 hours of Hague training each, so all is not lost. :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Bye, Bye Super P
Quick update on adoption: I had asked our agency over a week and a half ago what I needed to be preparing and gathering for the homestudy. They said "nothing". Monday I called to see if our LOI had been sent and had to leave a message. Tuesday I sent an email to follow up the phone message. On THURSDAY I finally got a response and it said that all the stuff that I had asked about the week prior and told I didn't have to do, we would have to do!!! It also said that our LOI was getting sent off on Thursday! Whatever happened to sending it Monday?! I was angry and wanting to scream, not at all in the mood for being around our five blessings, feeling so pressed for time in other areas of my life that I thought about skipping exercising. But, I knew I would feel better besides being a better mommy if I went. So I did. When I got back home God had the MOST amazing news for us in the inbox. (I started crying while reading the email and was still crying when I called Mr. Incredible.) We only have to redo a few things and most I got taken care of already! The others will hopefully be here the first week in November! I also found out information that made me have to go change this post. The favor that we are being shown is simply amazing. I am so humbled by what God is doing. This stretching is hard and so many days I feel like a complete failure, but God is working to bring our daughter home and I simply need to do what HE asks and trust. And as Beth Moore says, MOVE IT!!!!!
I will post more about the 7 Habits for Highly Effective Families, later.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
9-1-1 Does Work!
Thankfully Mr. Incredible did answer the phone although he had debated not doing so since there had already been one telemarketer call tonight. Not sure he would have heard their knocking from the bathroom...
So (drum roll) that makes 3 poison control calls for a certain child and now a 911. And he's only 6!
I love you, Mr. Incredible. It could happen to anyone, it just seems to keep happening to us!
7 Habits of a Highly Effective Family, #1 and #2
Habit #1- Be Proactive
Instead of being reactive
Stimulus -> Response
Be Proactive
Stimulus->Choice in Response ->Response
The goal here is to stop and choose a response better than your initial gut (probably not prudent) reaction. Choose the best thing to do. Exert control over your response. The only thing we can control is our reaction to the situation.
Habit #2 Begin With the End in Mind
Imagine your life in 20 years, who are you with and what are you doing? Start whatever it is you want now!
Be intentional. Be intentional with who you are. Be intentional with what you do. Be intentional with who you do it with.
Make a 2-3 sentence family mission statement that clarifies your goals as a family.
Don't think we have it all together, we are still working on our family mission statement! The biggest thing that these two habits spoke to me was I HAVE to be intentional with spending time with each of the kids each day. It is NOT going to just happen. This is a choice I need to make so that I can better meet each of my children where they are. I need to be willing to stop my to do list and do something with them that they enjoy (probably not school related) and meet them where they are. It's not easy, but do I want my children to think the house or email more important than them?!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Little Things...Eat You
Trying to finalize details for "For the Children" on November 6th. There is also something else local going on the 6th and we are trying to resolve that conflict.
Instances of why I didn't want to use our same adoption agency again have permeated the week. It took them four agency agreements to finally send us the right one. (We are the first family doing this 2nd "immediate" adoption from China) The cost of this adoption is more expensive (initial cost) than their "basic" adoption, now it's only by $20, but COME ON! Saying that they couldn't begin our homestudy for two weeks because of the "refund" period in our contract. Well the fourth contract they sent, the one we signed DIDN'T have a refund period! AAAAAAHHHHHH. So that was Mon.- Thur.
Lest Friday and Saturday be somewhat calm, I mean we were at a retreat for foster/adoptive families! Our helper let us know that he found another job and wanted to know how much notice to give! I really wanted to scream, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!!!", but I knew that was my insecurity about abandonment talking. Considering we are going to be on vacation for 10 days, I knew I probably had a right to say 3 weeks, but that would disqualify him for this new and *better* job. GRRRRRRR.
Right now I am flying on a wing and a prayer, so close to tears all the time and wondering just how I'm going to get this southern family prepared for 10 days in CO with gluten free food, all our usual weekly stuff and find a new helper and and and.... Sometimes it's all the little things that really eat you up.
Lord, you are the maker of time. Please help me to budget mine wisely because it's slipping like sand through my fingers.
I will post about the wonderful training we received, later...
*40 hours a week, more pay and benefits* Not sure how that's better than being around 5 awesome kids, but apparently some think so. Oh wait! There are days that I think so too! LOL! :)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Two Worlds Collide- a sister for Elizabeth
If you had asked me back back in August when I posted here , what God was going to do I would have said I thought I knew a direction. Little did I know! LOL! If God had revealed where we are now then, I would have RUN SCREAMING and NOT have posted. Funny how God works!? He only gives us what we can handle, then He stretches us and we can handle a little more, followed by more stretching... If HE had showed me the whole thing, I would have said it wasn't HIM. But now I can see how HE is WORKING. He has a plan. I have to trust.
Our world has collided with God's plan and we will never be the same. God is moving in our lives and giving us favor with foreign governments and we are now going to be adopting a little three year old girl with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bones) from China. Yes, we know she breaks easy. Yes, we know we already have five kids. Yes, we know it sounds TOTALLY INSANE. And yes, it is God's leading! Not what we imagined, thought of or even considered, but when God moves HE MOVES.
I was not going to ever use our adoption agency from Elizabeth adoption again and they knew it, but our name kept coming up and other families kept saying "no" to this little girl and so they contacted us. They contacted us the last day that Mr. Incredible was in Indonesia. A few days prior he had been in the Chinese city where this little girl lives. God had laid on my heart that his business trip would change our lives, I could only think of negative, VERY negative, ways "our lives would be changed". So when that email slipped in the inbox hours before Mr. Incredible was to end his business trip, I just had to wonder. It also turns out that she went on the waiting child list within hours of Mr. Incredible and I coming into agreement that God wanted us to look at adopting again. (remember that post?) Within hours of THAT!!!
This last Friday we submitted formal application to the adoption agency not knowing what China would say about the dossier, had an inkling but nothing official. At the end of the application was the "submit" button. Before I sent it off I called Mr. Incredible at work and we had one of those just to make sure, really?!, not too late to back out you know, no money spent yet conversations. He asked me what was so hard. Being real I had to say that I knew what this meant, the waiting, the strain, the work, the financial and emotional cost and I just didn't want to do it,... but I knew that God was leading us here. Interestingly, I had to click "submit" to complete the application, not "finish" or "done". I wasn't just clicking a button to finish an application, that click of the mouse was the difference between obedience and my way. Clicking that button indicated my/our submission to God's will for our family no mattered how it differed from MY plans. Never would I have imagined a simple task to cause such a pause, yet I KNEW that if I didn't obey, God could not be glorified.
The reward for obedience?! I can finally get excited(!!!!!), TODAY the Chinese government officials gave the go ahead to be able to *proceed. (it's amazing what submission does, we've been waiting for a couple of weeks for that approval!) *It also means that we will be able to bring her home a lot sooner- very important medically and emotionally (more on that later). That we can *proceed is such an answer to prayer and such a confirmation that God does truly want her to join our family. Oh, I forgot to mention... our *.
It's strange, we know we are going to adopt her, China knows we are going to adopt her, but apparently we are the first family to do what we are doing and so there is a bit of a hangup on the paperwork and until it is officially official we can't post identifying information or pictures :(. So bear with us until God straightens this out.
For whatever reason God has chosen us to be the parents of this little precious girl. He has seen her birth, her abandonment, her life, her many broken bones. We haven't (so far). He knows how Mr. Incredible hates needles and can't stand to see his children in pain. God knows my mother's heart and how tough it is to be with the children through their various procedures and surgeries, even if it's for their good... and yet we are going to have to be willing to break her so that she can be healed.
Well that's our news. Our world is colliding. Our family expanding. To God be the glory!
*as of 10/21/10 we received news that what we had previously shared is now confidential. So in the interest of keeping China and our adoption agency happy, I deleted some information. I am sorry it doesn't read as well now and you are privy to all the cool things that God is doing. But OH MY HE is WORKING!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Two Worlds Collide part 2

What if the fact that we have a vehicle is an unattainable reality for most?
What if this was MY child's bed?
What if our pot of soup for our dinner would be consider a week's worth of meals for a family in another part of the world?
What if my this was where I prepared our food?
And this our water to drink?
What will I do when confronted with these images? Am I willing to DO anything? Willing to sacrifice something? Will I sit idly by? Saying I have enough to do already. Will I turn away and pretend it doesn't exist? What will God say when I stand before Him?
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these." ~Mark 12:30-31
Are they really my neighbor 1/2 a world away?
"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act."
~Proverbs 3:27
Friday, October 8, 2010
Two Worlds Collide
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Have Sister Will Travel
Boys: Let's put Elizabeth in the cooler and roll her to the car.
Me: What?! Why?
Boys: She goes so slow so this will be quicker!
Me: Okay, but you can't close the lid, J, it's your job to hold it up.
(Commence our slowest walk to the car yet, LOL)
Boys: This is fun!
Boys never cease to amaze me.
Monday, October 4, 2010
On Sunday our pastor spoke of how people drink to dull the pain of their empty life or will fill their life with busyness to keep their mind off of the hole in their life. Sitting there I thought on it. Nope. I have a very filled life because I've obeyed God and we've adopted/or God blessed us "the old fashioned way" with 5 children who each have unique issues and opportunities to overcome challenges- Gluten Free diet, food allergies, ADHD, RAD, PDD, LD, and hearing impairment. Wrestling with the finite hours in my day is not because I need to fill a void, but is one of the delights of a heart bended to hearing God's call. Off now to more joyous opportunities to serve!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hewo Kitty
Answer to, So what is non-toxic, sticky like honey, colorless, and smells like a bottle of perfume?
Mr. M wanted to smell good and decided to rub a whole stick of chapstick on his chest and abdomen. Honestly I thought he had found some body cream since he was so odoriferous. However, when his body stuck to me during book time before bed I knew something was a miss. Upon his disclosure of having used chapstick, it took effort to conceal the smile and laughter that wanted to bubble up. Only this wonderful, zany child would come up with rubbing CHAPSTICK on his body to smell good!?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
A Day in Our Life
Elizabeth: la- la- la- la, la- la- la- la
Me: WHAT?! (knowing we have no fish) WHERE?!
Mr. M: In the TOILET!
Elizabeth: wewo wooh
Me: J. Go see what's in the toilet! (bracing myself for something bad) AND NO ONE TOUCH IT!
J: It's a leaf!
(sigh of relief breathed)
Note to self, don't give T Boost and clarify "if you need to p*ke just p*ke" to include instructions about NOT just going all OVER the FLOOR when standing NEXT to the toilet!
Riddle for the day:
What's non-toxic, sticky like honey, colorless, and smells like a bottle of perfume?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sometimes things go wrong because Satan is the prince of the air and his ways are not for our good.
Sometimes things are going wrong because you're headed in your own direction and God is trying to get your attention.
Sometimes things are great for no explainable reason.
Sometimes things are great because God is rewarding your diligence.
Sometimes things are so mixed up and sad/glad, happy/mad at the same time and the real test is what is our response going to be. Will we believe that He IS WORKING? Will we SEEK HIS FACE? Or are we going to do what we've always done?
Sometimes people may say having 5 kids is having 5 too many. But each have brought encouragement in their own special way these last two weeks, along with spilt milk, huge messes... and a reaffirmation that life is indeed precious!
Sometimes I just need to not take myself so seriously and laugh my head off at whatever is brought my way.
I am truly amazed that I am still standing after 14 days of basically single mommyhood. Mr. Incredible went to the doctor and he now has meds and hopefully starts improving. I don't know that he will be visiting a certain Mc Eating establishment any time in the future. I could be upset (part of me really could be), but this has actually been the most glorious trip he's ever taken to China (at least for us at home). I am taking care of a really sick husband and I didn't even p*ke when he did - that's progress! I have dealt with several sleepless/little sleep nights and yet was still aware enough to not be broadsided by the guy who ran the red light, or the guy who ran the stop sign or hit head on by the lady that ran another red light. (Do I have a poster saying 'hit me' on the van?!) God's hand has been so present lately, that I am in awe. I normally would have melted into some sort of puddle on the floor way before this. Sometimes I just have to give up my desires and plans and say, "Lord, whatever may come, you are in control. Use me, help me, strengthen me." If this hadn't been my prayer for the last two weeks, I can honestly say I don't think I would be where I am. But we are still standing!!!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Grabbing the Power
Ephesians 1:18-21 (NIV) "...that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ...far above all rule and authority, power and dominion..."
The Message states verses 18 and 19 -"... to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!"
Let me take some liberty for a moment and imagine with me that God is a high voltage transmission power line. He IS full of power. He IS the source of light and life.
So if God is like a high voltage power line -
Are we living far from the source of power so far that we are unaware of it? Or are we looking at the power line from a distance and think, "Wow! What power! That's nice." Maybe we go stand near the power line and are in the magnetic field saying, "Oh this is nice. I can clearly see God and I can feel his presence this is good." Adventurous people may find a way to poke a little near the line and get the occasional "electrifying experience". OR
Leaping do we grab onto that power line and say, "Let me be YOUR conduit, use me! I may burn, but let me burn for you!"
Power lines are not easily reached for a reason, there is energy, POWER in them. You have to take a leap of believing. Believe that God IS who He says He IS. Believe that God can DO what He says He can DO. Be willing to accept and do the plan He has for YOU. He won't force it.
Up in the air hanging on to the power of God may get lonely, hard, tiring, BUT living for God though not easy, is worth it.
1 Thess. 2:2,4 "We had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition ... we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts."
"God can't say, 'Well done good and faithful servant' if you don't do what He asks."~ from Gideon Tuba Warrior, Veggietales
Mr. M DOES NOT have strep throat- praise the LORD!
Mr. T is still coughing and wheezing.
Mr. Z last night complained of a sore throat, was coughing and having some difficulty breathing and is still having some issues.
Mr. J hasn't had a nosebleed recently (that I know of), but is not in top form.
Mr. Incredible is having serious stomach issues.
It would appear that Elizabeth and myself are the only ones really up and going. LOL!
Needless to say, I am a little occupied at home and so I had to call our church and let them know I couldn't be there for our once every eight weeks volunteering time in a class. (really so sorry)
I am beginning to think that this is spiritual warfare since when I pray for Mr. Incredible or read scripture to him the stomach pain stops. Growing up in a more "religiously free" denomination, I saw the bondage that people were in when they didn't "see" or "feel" God and have since tried to temper my upbringing because God is there even when we don't "feel" or "see" Him. However, since Thursday morning something IS going on. A lot of me wonders if this all has to do with an email we received asking us a question Thursday afternoon.
Lord, may we persevere. May we seek you. Heal, Father. Use me, I'm yours. Amen
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Last 28 Hours
A couple more practical prayers- Mr. J has been having nightly nosebleeds during the middle of the night, Mr. T has had three days (maybe four, they're running together) of breathing issues, Mr. M possibly has strep throat (discovered tonight, sorry to all we were around today!). I think that satan is trying to overwhelm me right now and take my eyes off the prize and I'm trying to stay strong and have faith.
Thanks prayer warriors.
Mr. Incredible's returning!
He sent me this one line email earlier, "Just to let you know, I just charged 12,000,000 on the credit card." What?! Fortunately, I knew it was Rupies not dollars. :-) Still a chunk of change, but not THAT bad. LOL! Never boring!
Alvin was born in a Liberian refugee camp in The Republic of Ghana, Africa. His mother fled there during the civil war in Liberia. Sadly, while she was in Ghana her family was killed in Liberia. Alvin’s father died in the refugee camp before he was born.
In 2007, When Alvin was 4 years-old, he and his mother returned to Liberia. There she began attending church and quit drinking. Two years later, a few days before Christmas, she began vomiting and was admitted to a hospital with malaria. Soon after, she died.
Alvin now lives at Lifesong Liberia's Master's Home of Champions.
You can help a child like Alvin. You can feed a child like Alvin.
Our goal is 70 people. $28 a month. One year commitment.
We have 44. 26 to go!
Will you join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans?
Contact us at info@lifesongfororphans.org to make your commitment!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Quita is 5 years old. During the disarmament time, rebels came to her village and took all the men, including her father. She never saw her father again. Later it was discovered that these men were taken to a bridge where they were shot and thrown into the river.
Her mother ran to the Salala district with the other villagers for refuge. There she later got sick and became paralyzed. Last year Quita’s mother died and Quita was taken to the Lifesong Liberia's Home of Champions. When she grows up she wants to be a medical doctor and help children.
Isn't it amazing that at 5 years old she's thinking about how someday she can help other children?
How can we help children today?
We're asking for a monthly commitment of $28 for one year.
Twenty-eight dollars...
- eating out at that new restaurant
- the shirt you've had your eye on
- a date night to the movies
- those pillows that would just look sooo good on your sofa.
I won't lie, making this commitment will require some sacrifice. But trust me. The sacrifice is always worth the reward.
What can you sacrifice for a child like Quita?
Our goal is 70 people. $28 a month. One year commitment.
We have 36 commitments, 34 to go!
Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans!
Contact us at info@lifesongfororphans.org to commit!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
We're #1!!!
Nine Days Done
Mr. T is under the weather right now and I hope he improves for a field trip that I have planned for Friday. Sniffles for one child is a major respiratory event for him. Mr. M is doing WONDERFULLY on his new dose of medication, such huge strides. Since I am not one who is big on medications, I didn't really even think of giving him a higher dose. I'm so glad that the behavioral pediatrician said something.
We do have some sadness. Our wonderful Ms. K who is Mr. M's occupational therapist will not be returning after her maternity leave is over. :-( So sad to see her go, been struggling with her temporary replacement who has now gone on to a different new job. I'm really hoping (and praying) that Ms. N whom we meet tomorrow will be a good fit. Change is never easy for Mr. M.
Not ready for our crazy Thursdays.
Thankful for Skype- free long distance using the internet (even internationally).
Extremely thankful that salvation is not based on merit or Bible study completion. I am not perfect and my week 2 of Bible study is STILL undone. But I found the bookmark! Does that count for something?! LoL!
More on Liberia
This summer our church had their annual VBS program. We had the kids raise money to support a Vacation Bible Camp at Lifesong Liberia. Well, the response of these 5-11 year olds brought tears to my eyes. We heard stories about kids doing extra chores around the house and emptying their piggy banks. One child even asked if this year's Christmas money could go to helping these children across the world! wow!
That week we raised more than double what we needed! That same week our Liberia director, Emmanuel Jones, discovered another orphanage that needed our help. Another orphanage where the children were starving. Another orphanage that we could help with extra money raised by children in Illinois.
Amazing! God's timing is so good, isn't it?
We announced to the kids that their money would not only give Liberian children a Bible camp to attend, but would also provide food and shelter for over 25 more children! Oh the cheers that filled the Sunday School room that evening. They whooped and hollered. I cried. God is good!
2010 Liberia VBS from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
Over 360 children attended!
67 children dedicated their lives to Christ!
75 adults came, and 11 of them received Christ!
Bishop Emmanuel Jones writes:
It was heart touching and very moving to watch for three days. I saw the children change in a dramatic way in their relationship with God and with each other.
The camp was profound and the children left very encouraged and blessed. We have started a church in the community in order to continue discipleship and follow up with these new believers."
But this was only the beginning. Now, with more children we have more cost. Funds are tight and we need help.
Here's the exciting part. If we surpass our goal of 70 sponsors we can take in more children! Children who would otherwise be turned away!
Our goal is 70 people. $28 a month. One year commitment.
We currently have 25 commitments... 45 to go in just 3 days!
Can we do it? With your help we can!
Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans.
Contact us at info@lifesongfororphans.org to commit!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kemah never knew her mother. One day while she and her brother were sleeping, their home caught fire. In a desperate attempt to save his children, Kemah’s father ran into the house for them. After he rescued her brother, her father searched for Kemah as well. That day, the roof of their little house caved in, leaving Kemah’s foot badly burned and killing her father.
Now orphaned, 6 year-old Kemah and her brother found refuge at Master’s Home of Champions-Lifesong Liberia. Here she is gaining an education, is given daily, nutritious meals, and is learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kemah can tell you that she loves Jesus and knows He loves her because He died for her sins. Someday she hopes to be a missionary so she can tell others about the love of Christ!
Wow... What an amazing response to the Gospel from a young child who's already experienced more pain than many of us will experience in a lifetime. But Kemah is not alone. There are other children... so many children... who need our help!
We're asking for a monthly commitment of $28 for one year to help cover the costs of caring for 70 orphans in Liberia. This donation will cover food and water, and other necessities, such as coal and kerosene, toothpaste, bathing and laundry soup, and hair oil.
A typical grocery list at Lifesong Liberia for 1 month includes:
- 8 bags of rice
- 5 gallons agro oil
- 2 bags of cornmeal
- 1 bag of sugar
- 20 gallons of red cooking oil
- 1 carton of cooking salt
Sometimes powdered milk and flour will also be purchased, but not every month.
Every 1-2 days cassava, various vegetables, fish and occasionally chicken are purchased for soup.
Typically the children at Lifesong Liberia will have cornmeal porridge for breakfast and rice with soup for lunch and dinner.
Will you help us feed and care for these children? Children like Kemah?
Our goal is 70 people. $28 a month. One year commitment.
We have 17 commitments. That means 53 to go in just 4 days!
Join us in bringing joy and purpose for orphans!
Contact us at info@lifesongfororphans.org to make your commitment today!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lifesong Liberia
Let's be the Hands and Feet of Jesus!
2010 Liberia Video from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
This week we are inviting our faithful readers and supporters to step up and help us in a time of need for Lifesong Liberia.
Lifesong has partnered with The Master’s Home of Champions orphanage and is providing a loving and safe home to many destitute and abandoned children, some of whom are deaf. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and are focused on the goal of raising up champions for the good of Liberia and glory of God!
This summer, another orphanage was in dire need, and thanks to an unexpected donation Lifesong was there. Praise the Lord we can help more children! But now, we need help too! We need your help to make sure these children are fed every day! We need your help to care for the fatherless! Will you join us?
70 sponsors in one week is a tall order. We know this. We also know that we serve a big God who has told us that caring for the poor and vulnerable is at the very heart of who He is! We believe we can make this happen! We pray that God will call hearts this week and we trust that you will answer!
Contact us at info@lifesongfororphans.org to commit!
Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog all this week!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ah, my little perfectionist alter ego still lives. :-) So much for going to the Bulgarian band concert at church!
Friday, September 17, 2010
4 Days Down
I never would have imagined that things would be rolling along so well right now, but I am happy to report that all's well!
Now what can I do AT HOME by myself (with kids asleep) on a FRIDAY night? Vacuuming and cleaning the guest bedroom for my parents? OR Guitar Hero? I know what I should do... but I've been good all week... Time to CUT LOOSE with the blinds closed and the volume not too high on my wonderfully big 19" TV. Yeah, PARTY is my name! Ha! I crack me up! But if you can't laugh at yourself, life gets boring!